Monday, May 12, 2014

White Structure

Let's talk about this structured white top, I just recently purchased from Luna Boutique-that I absolutely love and would wear to work if it didn't mean them promptly sending me home for dress code violation. It's got some pretty sexy geometric cutouts that provide great air circulation for the upcoming week's hot days. To counter-balance the sexy (I didn't want to overwhelm the general population with my sheer sexiness) I paired the shirt with my favorite pair of shredded boyfriend jeans. I stopped by my favorite vintage furniture store in Orange in this outfit, hoping to find some things to remove IKEA completely from my furniture repertoire. A white brass coffee table may be making its debut to the blogosphere...

Shot by Liana Rakijian

               Outfit Details: White cut-out top//Luna B., Shredded boyfriend jeans//Madison Bleu, Cowboy booties//Urban Outfitters, Gold claw cuffs//Luna B.